Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Blog #1

The first work on top by Forrest Lucero shows an image of a forest or wooded area. The color of the image is munipulated to have a muted red tint to it. In the middle of the image are two quotation marks with empty space between them. To me this implies that the forest is speaking or making some kind of sound. Due to the muted the muted tone of the image, the forest looks almost whimsical. This leads me to believe that the artist is trying to say that we should take time and listen to nature's soothing sounds.


The work on the bottom also by Forrest Lucero depicts an image of the ground that is also muted in color. On top of the grass are the words "love should be like polariods." in all capitol letters. Beneath this phrase is an actual polaroid picture with the word "instant" inside. Although the first phrase is a large typesize in white capitol letters, the word instant stands out because of it's contrast due to it's small typesize and back coloring. This empasiszes the analogy that love should be instant like the development of polaroid pictures.
