Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Final Project

Final Artist Statement

For my final, I decided to keep perspective as my Big Idea. This time however, I decided to explore the theme of music through the lens of perspective. As a graphic designer, I enjoy making posters. Therefore I decided to make two posters advertising The Beatles where each poster would represent one perspective of the band. The first perspective is from a teenage girl’s perspective of The Beatles when they were first introduced to the United States and “Beatlemania” ensued. I chose to represent this perspective by choosing an early picture of The Beatles when they were clean-cut. I also used bright colors with a collage-like feel to make it look like a teenage girl made the poster herself.
For the second poster, I chose to represent The Beatles more like “rock gods” and that would appeal to an older crowd. I did this by choosing a picture of them when they are older with more facial hair and look more like hippies. I also used darker, more serious colors contrasted with bright colors associated with the 60’s. I also incorporated images of the Vietnam war which occurred during that time period.

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